Fulfillment & Distribution
Average Daily Orders
Total Shipments in January 2021
Order Accuracy and On-Time Delivery
Whether you’re fulfilling orders to your sales team or your end consumers, delivery of the right item, at the right time, and to the right person is of pivotal importance to delivering on your brand promise. Nothing is more disappointing to your customers or discouraging to your sales team than receiving the wrong item entirely or receiving the right item after it was needed. All your hard work in marketing creation and production will be for naught if you have subpar delivery performance. Marek is a trusted partner with a guarantee—verified by an impeccable track record—that your product will be delivered on-time, as-ordered.
With Marek’s automated fulfillment capacity, we consistently operate at a 99.9% order accuracy and on-time delivery—the best in the industry. This 10-year average with more than 1 million annual line-item orders demonstrates our ability to deliver on our brand promise and yours.
Benefits of Going to Market with Marek
Features & Capabilities
Interested in learning more about our fulfillment services? Please fill out the following form and one of our Experts will contact you shortly.
W228 N821 Westmound Drive
Waukesha, WI 53186
P 262 549 8900
E info@marekgroup.com
11095 Viking Drive, #204
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
P 952 345 7260
E info@triptych.com
11750 Diode Court
Louisville, KY 40299
P 502 895 1530
E customercare@gohighnote.com